Saturday, December 31, 2011

Buying a Yamaha portable keyboard

my old Yamaha PSR-225
About to buy a new keyboard to replace my old Yamaha PSR225. I always stick with Yamaha.

It seems the more 'luxurious' models in the Yamaha series start with a 4 or 3, and 2 is the basic models. The 4 and 3's seem to have 'touch sensitive' keys, and presumably 4 is the best but seem slightly 'deeper' in size than the 3 and 2 series (only by 4cm).

The current models, and some discontinued models can be seen here
Latest models of Yamaha portable digital keyboards

At the moment, adding some recent discontinued models, I am looking at
PSR-E423, PSR-E413, PSR-E403
and from the 3 series : PSR-E333, 323, 313, 303

Monday, December 19, 2011

Ice grips for shoes and high heels

In the UK, it seems that councils no longer grit any roads or paths other than main routes during snowy or icy weather, meaning crawling the street on all fours is now a common winter sight.

The time has come for every house to have a set of ice grips for shoes. You can also buy them for high heels. Whether they are any use is another thing.

I have looked around amazon. There are plenty on offer. I have picked out a couple of inexpensive ones that have some reviews for them. One is for ordinary shoes or even trainers I presume. The other for high heels

Friday, December 16, 2011

UK : check your supermarket prices

In these austere times it's always good to compare the prices of the big supermarkets. This week Tesco are making people sign up to see, which I disagree with.

Link : Asda Groceries
Link : Tesco groceries (currently need to sign-up to see)

There's also mysupermarket, but I am not sure about how it works and you ned to sign up

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

UK : 8 CR202 lithium batteries for 99p

8 CR202 lithium batteries for 99p out of Poundstretcher

I haven’t looked for CR202 batteries online recently, but they always seemed to be expensive. I got 8 CR202 batteries out of POUNDSTRETCHER for 99p but I’m not sure if it will be their regular price. The normal price looked to be £1.99
Still, it’s good they seem to have finally dropped in price.

It used to be you could get a big collection of mixed lithium button batteries out of poundstretcher cheap, but it had all the ones possible apart from CR202 which were the only ones you wanted.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

UK : Time to switch gas & electricity supplier again

Current suppliers
Electricity : Npower sign online 20 (direct debit)
Which Utility Supplier now ?
Gas : Ebico equigas

Apparently Npower are ending 'sign online 20' this month, so it's time to look around the utility comparison sites again. It looks like I can't beat them for electricity. All the new supplies are dearer but the Npower 'sign online 24' seems the least more expensive. Have to take a monthly direct debit, unfortunately (DDs are evil).

For Gas, I can beat Ebico by about 15%, though I have always liked them (pay cash etc). Probably Npower are the cheapest again (direct debit).

Haven't decided yet.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Myprotein for protein powder and other nutrition supplements

Buying Protein powder in the UK

I use protein powder to try and bulk myself up a bit. looking around, the cheapest and most suitable online seller I found were from Myprotein . I like everything about them. I've ordered a few times and delivery is quick even on the cheapest shipping option. So Myprotein gets my UK Shopping royal seal of approval.