Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Z-Mask eyemask by McNett : review

Summary :
Better than cheap masks
Pretty dark
No light on top or sides
Lets some light through the nose area
Reasonably comfy
Still searching for perfect eyemask
score : 7/10

Click for Review and video >>>

After buying a number of cheap eyemasks, it was obvious I would neeed to try something more expensive to get improvement. I liked the Z-mask advertising. Here's a review

Darkness : pretty dark. Feels as if light gets through but seemingly doesn't even in daylight. No light through the top or sides. Light comes in through the lower nose area due to the nose fit not being close enough. Not bad, but still a gripe

Comfort : Eye area protrudes slightly to not rest on eyes. Strap can be adjusted. Pretty good fit. 

Conclusion : Better than cheap masks and quite dark. Lower nose light intrusion is the gripe. I am still hopeful there is a perfect eyemask out there

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